Monday, October 29, 2007


- Joel Sandejas

Communication plays an important part for the filipino family. this is the way to get closer to our love ones even though far away. It is also helpful in case of emergencies or simple as kamustahan. There are several ways how Filipinos communicate to each other:

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a cellular phone

Cellular phones or cellphones is one of the most quickest way to communicate. Just a simple text to a person and you will automatically read the text. Calling also is very simple too. Cellphone is a necessity to every Filipino because we don't want to be alone and we get bored if we don't have a communication device.

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e-mail and the internet

We'll, technology as we can say today, is the most advance way to communicate. You can now do everything in it like chatting, researching, buying, selling, calling and so much more. The internet gives us all everything that we need. Filipinos love friendster, and it is also one way to communicate love ones and forgotten schoolmates.

E-mail or electronic mail is also the easiest way to receive mails form different places. It is more advanced than snail mail. It is often used by OFW's.

This kinds of communication helps the Filipino family to communicate and to get closer to their love ones. This shows that Filipinos want to keep in touch with their love ones wherever they are.

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